We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our family and farm! This is also our way of honoring those sweet family members who are no longer with us.
Every Farm has its story. I know we are still writing ours, but I have to take a moment and honor the family who claimed me as their own. Mr. Paul Mosier and his wife Shirley Mosier. they married young and adopted two children. Paul was a school bus driver in addition to being a full-time farmer. He has over 100 acres of crops all over Floyd County Indiana and he also raised 25+ cattle of which we would butcher.
When I was 8 years old, he was my bus driver. I will never forget the day we met, I got on the bus and he greeted me and asked my name. I said, "my name is Alex," he said, "Alice?" I said, "no, it's Alex", he said, "That's what I said, Alice!" I said, "NO! Like Alex, with an X". From that day forward he called me Alex with an X.
A year or so later we happen to move in right next door. While my mom was checking out the home I ran next door and knocked as hard as I could. He yelled for me to come in and that's when I met Ms. Shirly. She was cooking dinner and it smelled so good. He asked what I was doing there and with all the excitement I could muster, I told him we were going to be living next door. The look on his face was priceless. I was going to be his new buddy whether he liked it or not. Mind you, at the time he didn't have any grandchildren. He and Shirly took to me pretty quick. They learned if they gave me work to do I stayed out of trouble and I didn't run up their nerves.
For several years I helped to work the farm with Paul and some older boys. I was the young pudgy girl who could put in work and make everyone smile! The things I learned from Paul and his wife are forever engrained in my morals and work ethic. I will never forget what time dinner is and what time supper is, and no one can cook up a pot of corn like Ms. Shirly. I will never forget Paul's forgiving baby blue eyes, his sense of humor, and the kindness he showed even to those who wronged him.
My family moved into a suburb when I was 13, that was the second time I can remember ever experiencing deep depression. Leaving the farm life was hard for me and I often wonder what my life would be like if we wouldn't have moved. I lost touch with Paul and Shirley, I would go visit maybe once a year until I left for college. After that, I didn't see Paul until I caught word that Shirley passed away. That was the very first time that someone close to me died that made such an impression. I regret to say since I moved to NC I have only been back once to visit Paul. He got to meet David and the three older children. I have tried endlessly to get in contact with him.
Paul, if you ever happen to read this, I want to say thank you. You made such an impact on my life in so many positive ways. If it weren't for you and Ms. Shirley I wouldn't be here today working hard to make this farm life a success for my family. I'm sorry I didn't come back to visit you anymore. In honor of you and Ms. Shirley; we have chosen to dedicate our farm to you, Mosier Medows.
-Alex with an X